Here are some examples of thisngs we have done in the local community...

We have done numerous talks within local primary schools explaining what we do and how we do it. The children then design their own gelato flavours, and we make the best 3 designs to sell along with our other flavours in the counter. If you know a group that would like this, then please do get in contact with us!

Christmas Raffle
In Christmas 2021 we held a raffle along with some of the other local shops. We sold raffle tickets for the hamper in aid of charity. We raised £160 which was split between Equal Base and Homelink which are 2 local charities helping the elderly and those with disabilities.

We are currently match day sponsors for EK Pumas a local girls only football team. We attend all of their home matches selling hot drinks which the club get the profits from and cakes.
We also sponsor a player from City of Stoke Womens football club who in return promote us though their social media and on match days.